Reality Based Training Association Advisory Board
RBT Training Standards and Policies Advisory Board
This Advisory Board is primarily concerned with ensuring best practices for RBT training standards. Topics of interest within this board are RBT Policies, Terminology, Facilitator Certification and Standards, Role Player Training and Certification, Training Participant Certification, Course Development, and Psychomotor Concerns as they pertain to training. Advisory Board members are chosen for this group based on their experience in their respective fields as they pertain to the above subject matter.
Industry and Technology Advisory Board
This Advisory Board addresses areas of concern with technologies and industries that are either specifically developed for RBT or may otherwise cross over boundaries between conventional training and dynamic simulation. For instance ammunition and targetry are often used within the conventional training circles but can also find purpose within the realm of realistic simulations. The danger occurs when conventional technologies are inappropriately or mistakenly utilized within less than conventional settings. This group will include Ammunition, Targetry, Firearms, Intermediate Weapons, Video Simulation Systems, Personal Protective Gear, AirSoft and LASER Systems.
Civilian RBT Advisory Board
In many ways, the civilian community is far ahead of the institutional world when it comes to combative simulation. The number of people who are immersed in video games, paint ball, AirSoft and role playing fantasies in the civilian world dwarf those in the institutional community. Reality Based Training certainly has its place in preparation for critical incidents, but many of the technologies utilized by the institutional community have been restricted from use in the civilian community. While there is beginning to be a loosening on this hold on technologies, the civilian training world faces identical problems and worse in the utilization of tools and training concepts associated with dynamic simulations. Much like the Training and Standards requirements for the institutional communities, this Advisory Board is concerned with the development of Standard of Excellence and the Certification of trainers and training centers offering RBT opportunities to the civilian world.